Minggu, 26 November 2017

Home Built Discipline - Developing Self Control and Responsibility in Your Child

When it comes to the word discipline, there are mainly two schools of thought. On the one hand we often turn to the scriptures that remind us that "foolishness is bound up in the heart of the child, but the rod of reproof will drive it far from them" or a well-known saying that goes something like "spare the rod and spoil the child". On the other hand, we have the position from child author, Dr. Benjamin Spock, who believes that sparing the rod will not spoil the child; that reasoning with them is a much better approach. Within the midst of these two schools of thought come Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore and their book "Home Built Discipline".

From the outset, they take the position that discipline is not punishment, nor should it be. They make it known right up front that, under no circumstances should an adult 'apply the board of education to the seat of learning' in an atmosphere of anger. Remember, anger is but one letter away from danger!

In "Home Built Discipline", you will find the information necessary for effective discipline that will not only be a benefit to the child throughout their formative years, but will also ensure you to be a better parent in the process. "Home Built Discipline" will give you the insights needed so you can develop proper love, firmness and consistency that will provide your child with a balanced, stable foundation from which to grow.

In part one you will find needed instruction on how to apply commonsense discipline from a discipleship standpoint. Part two takes you through understanding the need for discipline. You will gain invaluable knowledge on how to better approach discipline within each age level. From dealing properly with your toddler's tantrums to their first five formative years, discipline is prescribed for each situation. It then concludes addressing the transition years between six and eight, and again from age nine to becoming a teenager.

Part three delves into the area of community service through the ten building blocks of commonsense discipline. It covers areas such as proper etiquette within society as well as the need for constructive work and play. You will learn how to help your child manage money as well as understanding the importance of proper rest, proper nutrition and proper exercise in order to live a healthy, happy life.

In part four you will find the aptly named title 'The Ministry Of Tenderness' whereby you will receive a wealth of information on dealing with special situations as well as children with special needs. You will learn how to effectively deal with discouragement and depression, as well as understanding how to let boys become men and girls to become women.

Finally, there is a study guide that will take you and your children through scenarios based on each of the chapters that will reinforce what "Home Built Discipline" is all about. It can either be used within a group or for private study.

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