When it comes to the word discipline, there are mainly two schools of thought. On the one hand we often turn to the scriptures that remind us that "foolishness is bound up in the heart of the child, but the rod of reproof will drive it far from them" or a well-known saying that goes something like "spare the rod and spoil the child". On the other hand, we have the position from child author, Dr. Benjamin Spock, who believes that sparing the rod will not spoil the child; that reasoning with them is a much better approach. Within the midst of these two schools of thought come Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore and their book "Home Built Discipline".
From the outset, they take the position that discipline is not punishment, nor should it be. They make it known right up front that, under no circumstances should an adult 'apply the board of education to the seat of learning' in an atmosphere of anger. Remember, anger is but one letter away from danger!
In "Home Built Discipline", you will find the information necessary for effective discipline that will not only be a benefit to the child throughout their formative years, but will also ensure you to be a better parent in the process. "Home Built Discipline" will give you the insights needed so you can develop proper love, firmness and consistency that will provide your child with a balanced, stable foundation from which to grow.
In part one you will find needed instruction on how to apply commonsense discipline from a discipleship standpoint. Part two takes you through understanding the need for discipline. You will gain invaluable knowledge on how to better approach discipline within each age level. From dealing properly with your toddler's tantrums to their first five formative years, discipline is prescribed for each situation. It then concludes addressing the transition years between six and eight, and again from age nine to becoming a teenager.
Part three delves into the area of community service through the ten building blocks of commonsense discipline. It covers areas such as proper etiquette within society as well as the need for constructive work and play. You will learn how to help your child manage money as well as understanding the importance of proper rest, proper nutrition and proper exercise in order to live a healthy, happy life.
In part four you will find the aptly named title 'The Ministry Of Tenderness' whereby you will receive a wealth of information on dealing with special situations as well as children with special needs. You will learn how to effectively deal with discouragement and depression, as well as understanding how to let boys become men and girls to become women.
Finally, there is a study guide that will take you and your children through scenarios based on each of the chapters that will reinforce what "Home Built Discipline" is all about. It can either be used within a group or for private study.
Minggu, 26 November 2017
Kamis, 09 November 2017
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook - A Creative and Stress-Free Approach to Homeschooling
Within society, we often lose our way. As a result, many have taken it upon themselves to provide handbooks in order to help the rest of us find our way. There are handbooks available for most any situation, from how to survive in the wilderness to building a house out of surrounding materials. We can get the information we need to aid in our trek around the world seeking adventure and all that nature has to offer through handbooks. They have increasingly become an important part of helping us through life itself.
As it so happens, there is a movement afoot that is capturing the attention of parents everywhere. It is a movement borne out of concern regarding the educating of our children and the increasing evidence that supports the position that the educational system in its present form is failing our children's academic needs to a greater extent than ever. Being that necessity is the mother of invention, Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore have produced a handbook for the ages.
"The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" is just such a book to meet the parent's need to guide their children through the jungle that is the educational system. And, it provides those needs in a simple, small bites approach. It is not a book that strictly advocates removing the child from mainstream schools and teaching them at home; it more accurately sees the desire for parents to do whatever is necessary to ensure their child's education and champions that position, whether it be in the home or the traditional educational arena.
"The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" is wonderfully segmented into five distinct parts, dealing with such critical issues like that found in part two titled "Homeschooling Stress: Prevention and Remedy" addressing issues such as learning to slow down and not stress over the "what about their peers" question. In part four titled "Effective Homeschoolers Share Their Wisdom" you get a compilation of insights from actual homeschoolers sharing their experiences, revealing that each child is a treasure and unique in his or her own way. You will hear from people from every walk of life; the single mother, the Navy wife, physicians, artists, a former assistant attorney general.
In part five there are answers to questions such as how to get into college after being homeschooled, or how a working mother can still home school. You will also get some invaluable background as to how the home schooling movement was born as well as concerns regarding the dreaded word 'certified'.
In the epilogue of "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" you will find a chapter titled "The Moore Formula" that has been tried and true dealing with four critical areas vital to home school and, by default, societal success: head, hand, heart and health. This chapter will provide three main areas to address for the sake of the children and their future that is backed by documented research to be effective in furthering the child's academic and societal growth: study, work and service. It is the Moore's position that these are most critical if children are to succeed in life, whether it is from a home schooled environment or within the public educational system itself.
Never preachy, yet never compromising, "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" is nothing short of a Godsend when it comes to finding our way through life as it is today. Timeless principles abound within its covers and the message is evergreen for all generations to take heed. If we are to succeed as a society, indeed as a free nation, we need to take every step and make every sacrifice possible that our future generations mirrored in our children will receive the guaranteed need for that success. This is most assuredly found in Raymond and Dorothy Moore's wonderful book. Whether you are a single mom, grandparent or the 'stereotypical' intact family unit, "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" will be an invaluable guide helping you and your children see the world around you with eyes of wonder.
As it so happens, there is a movement afoot that is capturing the attention of parents everywhere. It is a movement borne out of concern regarding the educating of our children and the increasing evidence that supports the position that the educational system in its present form is failing our children's academic needs to a greater extent than ever. Being that necessity is the mother of invention, Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore have produced a handbook for the ages.
"The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" is just such a book to meet the parent's need to guide their children through the jungle that is the educational system. And, it provides those needs in a simple, small bites approach. It is not a book that strictly advocates removing the child from mainstream schools and teaching them at home; it more accurately sees the desire for parents to do whatever is necessary to ensure their child's education and champions that position, whether it be in the home or the traditional educational arena.
"The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" is wonderfully segmented into five distinct parts, dealing with such critical issues like that found in part two titled "Homeschooling Stress: Prevention and Remedy" addressing issues such as learning to slow down and not stress over the "what about their peers" question. In part four titled "Effective Homeschoolers Share Their Wisdom" you get a compilation of insights from actual homeschoolers sharing their experiences, revealing that each child is a treasure and unique in his or her own way. You will hear from people from every walk of life; the single mother, the Navy wife, physicians, artists, a former assistant attorney general.
In part five there are answers to questions such as how to get into college after being homeschooled, or how a working mother can still home school. You will also get some invaluable background as to how the home schooling movement was born as well as concerns regarding the dreaded word 'certified'.
In the epilogue of "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" you will find a chapter titled "The Moore Formula" that has been tried and true dealing with four critical areas vital to home school and, by default, societal success: head, hand, heart and health. This chapter will provide three main areas to address for the sake of the children and their future that is backed by documented research to be effective in furthering the child's academic and societal growth: study, work and service. It is the Moore's position that these are most critical if children are to succeed in life, whether it is from a home schooled environment or within the public educational system itself.
Never preachy, yet never compromising, "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" is nothing short of a Godsend when it comes to finding our way through life as it is today. Timeless principles abound within its covers and the message is evergreen for all generations to take heed. If we are to succeed as a society, indeed as a free nation, we need to take every step and make every sacrifice possible that our future generations mirrored in our children will receive the guaranteed need for that success. This is most assuredly found in Raymond and Dorothy Moore's wonderful book. Whether you are a single mom, grandparent or the 'stereotypical' intact family unit, "The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook" will be an invaluable guide helping you and your children see the world around you with eyes of wonder.
Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017
Home Grown Kids - A Practical Handbook For Teaching Your Children at Home
In this day and age, education is more important and vital for the very survival of our nation's future than ever. And, the most important equation of that ability to survive is found in our children. As we continue to seek the best curriculum and schooling money can buy, we find ourselves in a dilemma: the skyrocketing cost per child to educate them coupled with ever-lowering standards of expectation. Many parents are deeply concerned as to what to do in order to turn this situation around, especially in light of the rest of the world's interest ensuring that their children, and by default their country, receive what is necessary to excel academically, thus the whole of society benefiting as a result.
In the world of education, as we have progressed from the one room schoolhouse to grades kindergarten through high school and on to college, one thing tends to stand out: the child's age being the primary determining factor as to what grade they are assigned. Unfortunately, that is often not a precursor to guarantee good learning since it is a known fact that not all children are created equal simply because they are the same age. Into this arena comes a series of books that provide some well-needed information addressing this dilemma.
Following in the footsteps of "Better Late Than Early" and "School Can Wait" Raymond and Dorothy Moore have compiled an easy to read, down to earth approach to teaching children at home with "Home Grown Kids". As it is stated, this is a practical guide when it comes to teaching within the home by the adults who care the most about the children: the parents.
In part one of the book, titled "Family Or The State?", you find provocative titles such as "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle..." or "Parents In Charge" and, right away, you get the sense where this book is going: a head on collision with the status quo regarding the education of the child.
In part two of "Home Grown Kids" titled "Steps In Parenthood" you will receive extensive yet easy to comprehend advice, starting with "Setting The Stage For Birth" and ending in chapter nine "The Reasoning Sevens, Eights and Nines".
Coming from the standpoint that the educational system has it exactly backwards when it allows developmentally challenged children to stay home, yet demands by law that "normal" children receive a public education outside the home, "Home Grown Kids" takes the position that it is just as vitally important to have the option to teach all children at home, therefore eliminating altogether the differences imposed by society.
You will find "Home Grown Kids" to be a wonderful source of encouragement as well as that needed "push back" to the status quo in order to more intelligently control your child's destiny when it comes to his or her education. Honestly, who better to determine the course of a child's future than the parent? With "Home Grown Kids" this is exactly what you will receive to make that determination.
In the world of education, as we have progressed from the one room schoolhouse to grades kindergarten through high school and on to college, one thing tends to stand out: the child's age being the primary determining factor as to what grade they are assigned. Unfortunately, that is often not a precursor to guarantee good learning since it is a known fact that not all children are created equal simply because they are the same age. Into this arena comes a series of books that provide some well-needed information addressing this dilemma.
Following in the footsteps of "Better Late Than Early" and "School Can Wait" Raymond and Dorothy Moore have compiled an easy to read, down to earth approach to teaching children at home with "Home Grown Kids". As it is stated, this is a practical guide when it comes to teaching within the home by the adults who care the most about the children: the parents.
In part one of the book, titled "Family Or The State?", you find provocative titles such as "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle..." or "Parents In Charge" and, right away, you get the sense where this book is going: a head on collision with the status quo regarding the education of the child.
In part two of "Home Grown Kids" titled "Steps In Parenthood" you will receive extensive yet easy to comprehend advice, starting with "Setting The Stage For Birth" and ending in chapter nine "The Reasoning Sevens, Eights and Nines".
Coming from the standpoint that the educational system has it exactly backwards when it allows developmentally challenged children to stay home, yet demands by law that "normal" children receive a public education outside the home, "Home Grown Kids" takes the position that it is just as vitally important to have the option to teach all children at home, therefore eliminating altogether the differences imposed by society.
You will find "Home Grown Kids" to be a wonderful source of encouragement as well as that needed "push back" to the status quo in order to more intelligently control your child's destiny when it comes to his or her education. Honestly, who better to determine the course of a child's future than the parent? With "Home Grown Kids" this is exactly what you will receive to make that determination.
Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017
Home Style Teaching - A Handbook For Both Parents and Teachers
In the field of education as it is seen today, there can be a tendency to view it as an 'us versus them' mentality when it comes to who is more responsible for the children's education. On one side of the line are the parents; on the other side are the teachers.
From a purely academic standpoint, the teaching profession believes it to be eminently qualified as the best avenue to a child getting a proper education as society deems acceptable. From a practical position, parents feel the need to have great sway regarding their children as to what curriculum is presented that best suits their children's educational needs.
Into the middle of this situation come Raymond and Dorothy Moore. Known around the world as fully qualified within the academic field, they have also taken up the cause of the parent's right to determine what is best for their children. From this position we find an excellent book that addresses both viewpoints titled "Home Style Teaching".
"Home Style Teaching" is more than just another book written that positions itself as to what is best for the child from the parental point of view. It also takes the side of the teachers, understanding why they are so passionate about their perspective when it comes to the education of the child. "Home Style Teaching" is a great resource for teachers and parents alike as it determines to quench the differences between the two camps and accentuate the positives that each has to offer.
Here is an excerpt from "Home Style Teaching" authors Raymond and Dorothy Moore, describing their own reason for writing this book in the first place:
"Home Style Teaching is a simplified, research-based handbook designed for both parents and professional teachers and for student teachers who are worried about becoming professionals. The parents may be either home-schoolers or those who wish to help their children who are troubled by school or are failing. This book sets out to make clear what education should really be and to make the art and science of teaching as understandable, successful and thrilling as it can be...With this book, we hope to take parents and teachers by the hand and lead them to courage and wisdom in one of the greatest of all professions."
From the beginning "Home Style Teaching" sets the stage for cooperation between teacher, parent and student alike. In the sections contained in this powerful book you will find answers to such issues like 'Becoming a Good Teacher' to 'Some Teaching Secrets Not Commonly Practiced'. You will gain insight from "Home Style Teaching" as you explore issues such as 'What We Mean by Curriculum' and 'How Children Develop'. As a bonus, in the appendix, you are given names of well-known individuals that were educated at home, as a source of encouragement that it can be done right and successfully.
In "Home Style Teaching" the authors encourage the option of homeschooling without giving the impression it should be mandated for all. As a result, it can be read from the standpoint of simply learning what is best for the child's education, whether it be received in the public, private or home school environment.
Raymond and Dorothy Moore have placed between the pages of "Home Style Teaching" a ray of hope that will unite both parent and teacher to establish common ground; to agree that all they both really desire is that the child receive the best form of education, resulting in their best chance of succeeding in the world as productive members of society.
From a purely academic standpoint, the teaching profession believes it to be eminently qualified as the best avenue to a child getting a proper education as society deems acceptable. From a practical position, parents feel the need to have great sway regarding their children as to what curriculum is presented that best suits their children's educational needs.
Into the middle of this situation come Raymond and Dorothy Moore. Known around the world as fully qualified within the academic field, they have also taken up the cause of the parent's right to determine what is best for their children. From this position we find an excellent book that addresses both viewpoints titled "Home Style Teaching".
"Home Style Teaching" is more than just another book written that positions itself as to what is best for the child from the parental point of view. It also takes the side of the teachers, understanding why they are so passionate about their perspective when it comes to the education of the child. "Home Style Teaching" is a great resource for teachers and parents alike as it determines to quench the differences between the two camps and accentuate the positives that each has to offer.
Here is an excerpt from "Home Style Teaching" authors Raymond and Dorothy Moore, describing their own reason for writing this book in the first place:
"Home Style Teaching is a simplified, research-based handbook designed for both parents and professional teachers and for student teachers who are worried about becoming professionals. The parents may be either home-schoolers or those who wish to help their children who are troubled by school or are failing. This book sets out to make clear what education should really be and to make the art and science of teaching as understandable, successful and thrilling as it can be...With this book, we hope to take parents and teachers by the hand and lead them to courage and wisdom in one of the greatest of all professions."
From the beginning "Home Style Teaching" sets the stage for cooperation between teacher, parent and student alike. In the sections contained in this powerful book you will find answers to such issues like 'Becoming a Good Teacher' to 'Some Teaching Secrets Not Commonly Practiced'. You will gain insight from "Home Style Teaching" as you explore issues such as 'What We Mean by Curriculum' and 'How Children Develop'. As a bonus, in the appendix, you are given names of well-known individuals that were educated at home, as a source of encouragement that it can be done right and successfully.
In "Home Style Teaching" the authors encourage the option of homeschooling without giving the impression it should be mandated for all. As a result, it can be read from the standpoint of simply learning what is best for the child's education, whether it be received in the public, private or home school environment.
Raymond and Dorothy Moore have placed between the pages of "Home Style Teaching" a ray of hope that will unite both parent and teacher to establish common ground; to agree that all they both really desire is that the child receive the best form of education, resulting in their best chance of succeeding in the world as productive members of society.
Minggu, 24 September 2017
Natural Disasters - Earth's Processes and Geological Hazards
Natural disasters of any kind and fury are dreadful. The scientific evidence available now can at least assist people in being better prepared to face and overcome such tragic devastations. The book 'Natural Disasters' written by Drs. Sushmitha Baskar and R. Baskar, and published by Unicorn Books takes you through the major disasters erupting on land, water and atmospheric hazards that can appear suddenly and leave behind a trail of misery. With extensive illustrations, diagrams, and photos, the two authors have confronted the issue of various earth's processes and geological hazards and their causes scientifically and share with readers specific actions they should take during and after a disaster.
They begin each chapter explaining the underlying geological processes, important facts & figures as well as the key terms that describe them. Next, they explore the impact these processes have on humans (as well as the impact that humans have on the processes). Finally, the authors analyse strategies for mitigating these disasters' physical and financial damage, and present prospects for the future.
Major issues addressed include earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, cyclones, draught, desertification, floods, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes and tornadoes. The text is very user-friendly, well-organized and also well-written. For educational purposes, this very detailed and informative text serves as a great resource. No matter where you live, a natural hazard exists. We need to learn to live with natural events instead of trying to control them.
They begin each chapter explaining the underlying geological processes, important facts & figures as well as the key terms that describe them. Next, they explore the impact these processes have on humans (as well as the impact that humans have on the processes). Finally, the authors analyse strategies for mitigating these disasters' physical and financial damage, and present prospects for the future.
Major issues addressed include earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, cyclones, draught, desertification, floods, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes and tornadoes. The text is very user-friendly, well-organized and also well-written. For educational purposes, this very detailed and informative text serves as a great resource. No matter where you live, a natural hazard exists. We need to learn to live with natural events instead of trying to control them.
Jumat, 08 September 2017
Buy College Textbooks Online and Save Hundreds of Dollars
Buying textbooks is one of the most important parts of college life. Most of the students stand for hours in a local bookstore for buying college textbooks. Thankfully now various alternative options are available. One way is buying online.
College textbooks cost a fortune. With each college textbooks costing more than $100 each, each student has to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on textbooks each semester. But with little bit of planning you can spend very little on textbooks. While this does require a bit of planning, it can be done!
There are many sites that sell college textbooks online. If you decide to buy textbooks online - you should keep a few things in mind. Make sure you order your textbooks early so that you can get them in time for class; allow for out-of-stock items and shipping delays, and be sure to choose the expedited shipping option. When comparing the cost of textbooks, include the sales tax and shipping cost also. And one more important think is get the right textbook (check the ISBN number located on the back of every book) because it is much less convenient to return items to an online bookstore.
There is significant price difference between a local bookstore and online booksellers. It would be better if you do little comparison shopping before you buy. Most of the online stores are much cheaper than local bookstore.
Find out if you want the textbook or it's just recommended. Obviously it is important that you have to buy the book for a class but a recommended book is just that you may or may not be helpful in your studies. Wait until you've begun the course before you decide whether or not you need the recommended textbook.
However, we've compiled some online textbook buying tips that you should keep in mind. Not only will these tips save you time, but they will also save money.
Order you book 1to2 weeks prior to your class start date. Or request expedited shipping for faster delivery.
Before ordering match ISBN numbers on the textbook. Be sure you buy the correct textbook; get the ISBN (a 10 or 13 digit number on the back of book) online.
Buy brand new textbooks, as old ones can tear off within a few months or days.
Purchase international copies: By buying new edition you will get most up to date version of your textbook. If your professor has specified that you have to buy new edition it is a requirement.
Buying new college textbooks helps college students to underline, highlight and make notes in the margins of their textbooks. This means that if you buy new textbook, you won't have to worry about being distracted by what someone else thought was important.
College textbooks cost a fortune. With each college textbooks costing more than $100 each, each student has to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on textbooks each semester. But with little bit of planning you can spend very little on textbooks. While this does require a bit of planning, it can be done!
There are many sites that sell college textbooks online. If you decide to buy textbooks online - you should keep a few things in mind. Make sure you order your textbooks early so that you can get them in time for class; allow for out-of-stock items and shipping delays, and be sure to choose the expedited shipping option. When comparing the cost of textbooks, include the sales tax and shipping cost also. And one more important think is get the right textbook (check the ISBN number located on the back of every book) because it is much less convenient to return items to an online bookstore.
There is significant price difference between a local bookstore and online booksellers. It would be better if you do little comparison shopping before you buy. Most of the online stores are much cheaper than local bookstore.
Find out if you want the textbook or it's just recommended. Obviously it is important that you have to buy the book for a class but a recommended book is just that you may or may not be helpful in your studies. Wait until you've begun the course before you decide whether or not you need the recommended textbook.
However, we've compiled some online textbook buying tips that you should keep in mind. Not only will these tips save you time, but they will also save money.
Order you book 1to2 weeks prior to your class start date. Or request expedited shipping for faster delivery.
Before ordering match ISBN numbers on the textbook. Be sure you buy the correct textbook; get the ISBN (a 10 or 13 digit number on the back of book) online.
Buy brand new textbooks, as old ones can tear off within a few months or days.
Purchase international copies: By buying new edition you will get most up to date version of your textbook. If your professor has specified that you have to buy new edition it is a requirement.
Buying new college textbooks helps college students to underline, highlight and make notes in the margins of their textbooks. This means that if you buy new textbook, you won't have to worry about being distracted by what someone else thought was important.
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