Minggu, 24 September 2017

Natural Disasters - Earth's Processes and Geological Hazards

Natural disasters of any kind and fury are dreadful. The scientific evidence available now can at least assist people in being better prepared to face and overcome such tragic devastations. The book 'Natural Disasters' written by Drs. Sushmitha Baskar and R. Baskar, and published by Unicorn Books takes you through the major disasters erupting on land, water and atmospheric hazards that can appear suddenly and leave behind a trail of misery. With extensive illustrations, diagrams, and photos, the two authors have confronted the issue of various earth's processes and geological hazards and their causes scientifically and share with readers specific actions they should take during and after a disaster.

They begin each chapter explaining the underlying geological processes, important facts & figures as well as the key terms that describe them. Next, they explore the impact these processes have on humans (as well as the impact that humans have on the processes). Finally, the authors analyse strategies for mitigating these disasters' physical and financial damage, and present prospects for the future.

Major issues addressed include earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, cyclones, draught, desertification, floods, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes and tornadoes. The text is very user-friendly, well-organized and also well-written. For educational purposes, this very detailed and informative text serves as a great resource. No matter where you live, a natural hazard exists. We need to learn to live with natural events instead of trying to control them.

Jumat, 08 September 2017

Buy College Textbooks Online and Save Hundreds of Dollars

Buying textbooks is one of the most important parts of college life. Most of the students stand for hours in a local bookstore for buying college textbooks. Thankfully now various alternative options are available. One way is buying online.

College textbooks cost a fortune. With each college textbooks costing more than $100 each, each student has to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on textbooks each semester. But with little bit of planning you can spend very little on textbooks. While this does require a bit of planning, it can be done!

There are many sites that sell college textbooks online. If you decide to buy textbooks online - you should keep a few things in mind. Make sure you order your textbooks early so that you can get them in time for class; allow for out-of-stock items and shipping delays, and be sure to choose the expedited shipping option. When comparing the cost of textbooks, include the sales tax and shipping cost also. And one more important think is get the right textbook (check the ISBN number located on the back of every book) because it is much less convenient to return items to an online bookstore.

There is significant price difference between a local bookstore and online booksellers. It would be better if you do little comparison shopping before you buy. Most of the online stores are much cheaper than local bookstore.

Find out if you want the textbook or it's just recommended. Obviously it is important that you have to buy the book for a class but a recommended book is just that you may or may not be helpful in your studies. Wait until you've begun the course before you decide whether or not you need the recommended textbook.

However, we've compiled some online textbook buying tips that you should keep in mind. Not only will these tips save you time, but they will also save money.

    Order you book 1to2 weeks prior to your class start date. Or request expedited shipping for faster delivery.
    Before ordering match ISBN numbers on the textbook. Be sure you buy the correct textbook; get the ISBN (a 10 or 13 digit number on the back of book) online.
    Buy brand new textbooks, as old ones can tear off within a few months or days.
    Purchase international copies: By buying new edition you will get most up to date version of your textbook. If your professor has specified that you have to buy new edition it is a requirement.
    Buying new college textbooks helps college students to underline, highlight and make notes in the margins of their textbooks. This means that if you buy new textbook, you won't have to worry about being distracted by what someone else thought was important.